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Rambling Steve Gardner, Mississippi Roots and Bluesman
Based in Tokyo, Japan, Rambling Steve Gardner plays original, acoustic roots and country blues music; finger picking and slide on National Reso-phonic guitars, and harmonica. You know, Big Leg Acoustic Stuff.
With more than seven CDs of traditional and original music, Rambling Steve Gardner plays and tours solo and with the JERICHO ROAD SHOW in the Southeastern United States, Austria and Germany as well as his home base of Japan, where many of his tours have been sponsored by the Cultural Affairs section of the United States Department of State.
Rambling Steve Gardner, based in Japan since 1980, grew up in Mississippi, listening to, learning from and sometimes playing with many of the legendary blues greats from: Sam Chatmon of the Mississippi Sheiks, Booby Barnes, and James “Son” Thomas in the Mississippi Delta; Jessie Mae Hemphill, the “She Wolf” of the Mississippi Hill Country; down to Central Mississippi Blues Man Jack Owens from Bentonia, to name but a few.