Rambling Steve's Technical Requirements & Stage Plot
Technical Requirements:
- For a concert, Rambling Steve usually brings two Lefty guitars (one acoustic wood-bodied or 12 string resonator guitar, one steel-bodied resophonic National guitar) and his own DI.
- The mixing board/desk should have graphic EQ and reverb.
Rambling Steve needs the following items onstage:
- 1 SM58 Shure (or better) vocal mic with boom stand set to the front
- 1XLR cable from the board to his DI and electricity for DI (100-240V)
- Tall armless stool for sitting and a small side table on his left for resting harmonicas
- Amp with clean channel-AER, Fender Blues Jr, Peavcy Classic 30 etc. set behind and slightly to right
- 2 monitor (fallback) speakers
Email Rambling Steve
Rambling Steve's Stage Plot